Milford Regional My Health Link


Cardiovascular Services

It’s the driving force behind Milford Regional’s cardiovascular team; a team which offers an interdisciplinary approach to heart health including specialists in both cardiovascular and cardiac rehabilitation. From diagnosis of a patient’s condition to the development of an individualized treatment plan, the focus of our dedicated cardiologists and staff is strongly preventative — managing heart health before a condition becomes serious. This, along with our comprehensive, state-of-the-art diagnostic and rehabilitative equipment, allows us to optimize not only your heart’s health, but ultimately, what matters most… your life.


Heart Alert

According to the CDC, an American will have a coronary event about every 34 seconds, and about one person will die from a coronary event every minute. To help understand the risk factors that contribute to heart disease and the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, go to the CDC Web site.




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