Map and Directions
Milford Regional is located at the intersection of Routes 16 and 140 (14 Prospect Street) in Milford, MA. General directions are below. If you would like specific directions from your location, you may go to googlemaps to chart your route.
To find out where to park and how to get to the department you need, go to our Find Your Way Inside the Hospital page.
From the North and East
Take the Mass Pike to Route 495 South to Exit #20, Route 85 Milford. Go right off the exit ramp and go straight through the set of lights. Drive approximately 1.5 miles to the intersection of Route 16. Go right on Route 16. Continue for 1.5 miles to the intersection of Route 16 and 140. The Medical Center will be on your right.
From the West
Follow Route 140 South. After you cross into Milford, the Medical Center will be approximately 2 miles on the left.
Take the Mass Pike to Route 146 South. Continue on Route 146 to the Route 16 Uxbridge exit. Go left off the exit ramp and follow Route 16 through Uxbridge, Mendon and Hopedale for approximately 9.5 miles until you reach the intersection of Routes 16 and 140. The Medical Center and parking will be located to the left.
From the South
Take Route 495 North to Exit #18, Bellingham. Follow the exit ramp to the traffic light and go left on to Hartford Avenue. Follow Hartford Avenue for approximately two miles to the traffic light at Route 140 and turn right on to Route 140. Follow Route 140 for approximately three miles to the intersection of Route 16. Go straight through the light. The Medical Center and parking will be located on your right.